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2015-11-02 14:54:28
Попробуйте Хиггинс-Онлайн
There are no translations available. Для тех, кто хочет использовать нашу программу с любого устройства, где есть интернет и современный ...

2014-05-28 21:00:00
ЗАО «ИстраСофт» награждено почетным дипломом
28 мая 2014 года коллектив ЗАО «ИстраСофт» был награжден почетным дипломом за большой вклад в социально-экономическое развитие ...

2013-12-25 07:46:05
Спонсорская поддержка конкурса сайтов  «RUССКОЕ ЗАRUБЕЖЬЕ»
There are no translations available.Конкурс сайтов российских соотечественников «RUССКОЕ ЗАRUБЕЖЬЕ» прошел при активной поддержке нашей компании: ...

2012-06-13 10:19:13
Обучающий курс
There are no translations available. С сегодняшнего дня в нашем интернет-магазине можно приобрести обучающий курс "Русский для всех! 1000 практических ...

2012-05-03 07:37:42
Фонетический тренажер
There are no translations available. Теперь Вы можете скачать новую версию программы "Профессор Хиггинс. Русский без акцента!" с нашего сайта. ...

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About us

The company “IstraSoft" was established in Istra (Moscow region) in 1991. It is owned by one legal and 4 physical, three of which are researchers which came out of the NIIEM Institute (Scientific Research Institute for Electro-Mechanics) in Istra, where they had worked on the development of the Soviet equivalent of the PC. Istrasoft is incorporated in Istra as a ZAO, a closed joint stock company.

IstraSoft is involved in development of computer technologies and computer software for education and cultural needs.

The company is conducting scientific research in speech technologies. The results are integrated in different products, which are then widely available on the market. “IstraSoft” is the acknowledged leader in the CIS countries in the field of research and development of computer software for speech recognition, speech compression and voice identification by using IstraSofts‘ own original mathematical tools, which allow to extract phonemes from the continuous speech flow.

A considerable place in the company’s activities is held by the development and production of multi-media programs for teaching of foreign languages using original technologies of sound processing, and a specially developed program shell (XML technologies) that allows to create an effective teaching tools for different disciplines and areas of knowledge.

The developed multi- interfaced programs (Russian, English, Spanish, French, German and Chinese interfaces) are the teaching programs of “Professor Higgins” series which represent phonetic, lexical and grammatical multimedia reference /training tools. The specialty of teaching phonetics consists of comparing the students own pronunciation with the sample pronunciation both by audio and by visual graphs on the screen of the monitor. The extraction of phonemes and the objective evaluation of accuracy of their pronunciation by giving marks allows the student to see mistakes and correct them when practicing.

The audio material were recorded by native speakers and are intended for those (regardless of initial level of knowledge) who want to learn to understand the spoken language and to master the right pronunciation.

The “Professor Higgins” series are recommended by the “Institut Informatizatzii Obrazovania”’ of Russian Academy of Science. Since 1998 the program series is annually rewarded with diplomas on many international conferences and exhibitions of ITE (Information technologies in education).The Professor Higgins series is already in use in 40 thousand Russian schools as part of the president’s program of computerization of Russian schools, and is also in use in various Pedagogical Institutes.

The company “IstraSoft” offers collaboration/partnerships in the following areas:

  • Distribution of our software in the in European market;
  • Localization of the courseware into the European languages;
  • Development of courseware on the basis of speech recognition, sound compression and speech synthesis;
  • Development of technologies of speech processing.
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