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Professor Higgins. English without accent!

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Professor Higgins. English without accent!
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Professor Higgins. English without accent!«Professor Higgins. English without accent!» – is a full phonetic, lexical and grammar multi-media reference training source, assigned for those (regardless of their initial level of knowledge) who want to learn to understand colloquial speech and speak grammatically correct, with good distinct pronunciation (variant “BBC”), that is the norm of speech on the English television.

The training is based on the comparison your own pronunciation with the sample not only orally, but also visually, by graphic on the screen of the monitor, that has become possible thanks to the original technologies of extraction and recognition of sound parts of word’s phonemes.

The principal difference of this manual from the previous versions is the objective estimation of pronunciation accuracy in marks in ten-point system, that allows at the most to discover and elliminate mistakes in pronunciation in the process of training. Also for the first time in the programme you can choose the language of interface.

The programme is made up on the principle “from simple to difficult” (sounds, words, phrases, audiotraining, dictation, tematic dialogues, proverbs, tongue-twisters, verses and stories), has theoretical materials (rules, schemes, explaining examples), dictionaries (general dictionary and dictionary of homonymes ) and the user’s manual. The training of the grammar is based on interactive exercises. The reference training book was record-sounded by Bill Sheppard, coordinator of the Sindicate of Exams in English as a foreign language at Cambridge University.

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